Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Avery's Arrival

Avery's labor story starts in the early morning hours of June 26, 2012; 4:30 am to be exact.  I woke up thinking my water had broken.  I called the hospital determine if I should go in to be checked out or wait at home as I didn't have any contractions.  The nurse instructed me to go to the hospital.  The possibility of her early arrival was so exciting to Husband and me!

Husband and I arrived at Altru Hospital around 5:30 am.  After running a few tests, it was determined that my water had not broken; however, the hospital staff wanted to keep me for observation for a couple of hours as I had progressed since my appointment on Friday and my blood pressure was slightly elevated. Around 9:00 am, the doctor checked me again, and there was more progress.  Husband and I were told we would be at the hospital a little while longer.

Husband went home to let out the dogs as it had already been several hours.  When he left, Avery's heart rate decelerated. A flurry of nurses and doctors entered the room.  Thankfully, Avery was OK and her heart rate resumed its regular rate.  Given the heart rate drop and my high blood pressure, the doctor determined that it would be best to induce labor despite being only 37 weeks along.  Husband and I were so excited that we would get to meet her that day!

Around 1:00, the doctor broke my water.  The contractions increased in strength and frequency.  The only way I was comfortable was standing.  Around 3:00, I was exhausted and decided to have an IV pain medication to help me rest.  Contractions slowed after the medicine, so the doctor administered Pitocin around 4:30 to pick up the contractions. Although the contractions were strong, progress was slow for the next hour or so.  I didn't think I would be able to go without an epidural given the pace of progress.  Around 6:20, I requested an epidural; however, when the anesthesiologist came in, I felt the urge to push.  The nurse checked, and I was almost completely dilated. After 45 minutes of pushing, Avery was born at 7:07 pm and placed on my tummy. It was the most amazing feeling I have ever experienced.

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