Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I just finished Sh*tty Mom: The Parenting Guide for the Rest of Us , and it is hilarious.  It is a quick read, and if don't take yourself too seriously, I think you'll enjoy it!

Sh*tty Mom: The Parenting Guide for the Rest of Us

The next book I want to read is Waiting for Birdy: A Year of Frantic Tedium, Neurotic Angst, and the Wild Magic of Growing a Family by Catherine Newman.  I believe I read about it on A Cup of Jo , and after reading the preview pages on Amazon.com, I know I will enjoy it.  I especially like the author's attempt to describe the overwhelming emotion a mother has for her child as found below.

"Until it happened to us, I didn't understand that having a baby would feel like falling in love, but like falling in love on a bad acid trip.  With an alarm clock a pooping alarm clock.  I wasn't prepared to lie awake by the sleeping babe, my heart pounding audibly and so swollen with passion that I could barely breathe. ... Nobody mentioned the way my heart would be brought to its knees, a thousand times a day, by my love for the baby."

How Fast Time Flies

1 Month

Loves to eat
Sleeps 3-4 hours at night, eats, and sleeps for another 3-4 hours
Naps throughout the day


2 Months

 Loves to eat
Sleeping a little longer between feedings!
Interested in books

 3 Months

Still loves to eat
Tries to "watch" TV
Loves the sound of her voice
Sleeps all night - 10 pm - 6/7 am!

4 Months

Eating like a champ - only breastmilk
Actively grabs toys and brings to mouth
Recognizes Mom and Dad
Rolls over from tummy to back
Smiling all the time!
Sleeping all night (approximately 8/9-6/7)
Short naps during the day