Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Why Now?

I have thought about starting a blog many times in the past.  When I finally did over a year ago, I wrote three posts and shut it down after a year of not posting.  The problem in the past wasn't coming up with topics. Rather, the problem was finding the motivation to write about them.  I would come up with lists of blog ideas but never get around to writing any of the posts.  This blog will be different.  This blog won't fail because I'm not writing this blog for myself or for the general Internet audience.  I am writing this blog for Avery.  Since Husband and I decided we wanted to have a baby, there have been numerous stories I've thought I should write down to share with my baby in the future.  And since her birth, there have been even more.

I was told several times by many people that there is nothing like the love you have for your child. You cannot explain it.  You just have to wait until you have your own to feel it.  As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I immediately fell in love with Avery.  Although I didn't know she was going to be a girl yet or that Husband and I would agree on Avery as her name, I knew I couldn't love her any more than I did at that moment...until she was born and I fell even deeper in love with her and have been every day since then.  These stories are for her.

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