Avery is the first grand baby for both my family and Husband's family, so I haven't been around many newborns - just my cousins' babies. I had no idea how loud tiny newborns can be. The first few nights at home, Husband and I couldn't believe the loud noises she made. And even more alarming was the fact that we couldn't distinguish from what end some of those noises were coming! We frequently refer to her as a little elephant as she makes this adorable, loud elephant noise. I am not sure how she does it as I have been unable to replicate it.
She also makes some very obnoxious, not so adorable noises with her other end at inappropriate times. Avery was five weeks old at the first wedding she attended. I was nervous that she would start crying in the middle of the ceremony, so I had her pacifier ready and sat in the back of the church to make a quick exit if needed. She was sleeping peacefully in my arms as the bridal party began to enter the church. "A nice quick wedding, and we'll be out of here without any disruptions" I thought. As the groomsmen and maids were walking down the aisle, Avery started a stream of gas that seemed to last the entire length of the processional. Husband and I were crying with laughter. Even the couple in front of us got to enjoy the "music." Stinky bean.
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